Sunday 24 February 2013

Simple Provision

"You have not cause you ask not."
I missed out on dinner last weekend so went to Woolies to by something to simple eat. While I was there I spotted mangos for sale. With the season coming to a close soon I thought it a pity the prices were still high.
"God, I could I have a mango?" I asked as I walked passed with no intention on buying one at that price.
I bought my food and left.
Then last night (six days later), I was invited to run an errand with a friend who was caring for a couple's animals while they were away.   And guess what?   They have a big mango tree laden with large mangos with myriads also scattered on the ground below.   I was able to bring home not just a mango but a grocery bag full!  What a delightful answer to prayer and in abundance!  I am enjoying having mangos to share!

Friday 25 January 2013

Taking the time to stop

My ankle and foot I injured in the surf have been getting worse. It reached a climax yesterday with my foot too sore to weight bear properly and so had to hobble on my heel and the side of my foot. Not a great start to the day!
I slowly made my way downstairs to get my breakfast, passing many people who asked what was wrong. As I reached the kitchen one student, obviously in a hurry, stopped me and asked if she could pray for me.
“Yes,” I said. “That would be great!”
She said a short but sincere prayer in Swiss-German and quickly hurried off.
“Wait!” I yelled to her across the dinning room. “You didn’t find out what God did!”
I could now put my foot completely on the ground. As I transferred my weight on it, there was no pain – the first in a week or so. I took steps and while some of the burning sensation returned it was 2/3rds better than before. Praise God! It would have been hard to go on like that.  I continue to speak God’s healing over it and see it improve! With each impartation I feel a fresh joy and hope. God is good.
While people are often busy, I’m so grateful my new young friend took the time to stop. It makes me think, how often are we too busy and miss seeing God use us to do miracles?

Sunday 6 January 2013

Hey, God...?

A friend recently told me of how he and his wife currently didn't have an entertainment budget but how they just keep seeing God provide in this area.  My immediate reaction was the silent prayer, "Hey, God...could I have that?"  Next thing, I was back to work and the phone rang.  On the phone was a music artist (that I like) offering free tickets to his concert.
"Wow...Cool God!"  - We should involve him more often.  He likes to be involved in our lives on the small stuff!